A sustainable relationship with wood

For Ricardo Graham Ferreira, wood is not just the main material in his projects, but a partner in a creative and respectful dance. In his workshop in the serene Serra Fluminense, Ricardo transforms wood intuitively, respecting its living nature and creating works that are true extensions of his inspiration.

Ricardo’s journey into ebanesteria is driven by an intrinsic passion for the infinite possibilities that wood offers. Respect for the material and the joy of sculpting his ideas by hand are the essence of his practice. He sees wood as a sustainable and eternal resource that adapts and carries stories over time. “I want the pieces I create to be like the wood from which they come: enduring, passed through the hands of different generations,” he says.


Wood is an inherently sustainable and regenerative material. It adapts over time, bears the marks of its existence and is eternal if well cared for".

Ricardo’s excellence is reflected not only in the materials, but also in his intuitive design and craftsmanship. This process is rooted in a genuine and sustainable lifestyle, lived intensely with his family, who live a stone’s throw from the workshop. In contrast to the hustle and bustle of the digital world, he uses renewable techniques that give his creations a refreshing authenticity. “My expression has no school,” says Ricardo, pointing out how his in-depth knowledge transforms each piece into a unique language, where curves and fittings become an art form.

Book: Ricardo Graham Ferreira, O Ebanista

Ricardo Graham Ferreira, O ebanista takes an intimate look at his work, encouraging the reader to create their own formal and emotional interpretation through a series of records and testimonies from people who are part of his life. Rather than being guided by chronology or technique, the intention is to let the eye wander, to discover what attracts and moves it. That’s why it was essential to present each piece in the context of its creation – the workshop – so that the narrative extends between the work and its surroundings, between inspiration and result.

Every project starts with an idea.

All rights reserved Ricardo Graham Ferreira